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Dealing with Anxiety as a Christian

Updated: Oct 8, 2020

Ways to overcome the worries of the world with God's help.

Everyone has dealt with at least a sprinkle of worry , anxiousness, and hesitation about the simplest things. Trying to cope with unusual feelings and emotions can be so hard; especially when you're holding all your emotions and worries inside. So here are some ways you can manage anxiety.

“ But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:33-34

Go to God

First off, if you're ever scared or have some sort of panicked feeling, go to God. He is the only one that can really solve your problems and get you through struggles and tribulations. Going to Christ for anxiety or going to God for anything in general is the best thing to do. When you're walking the path of finding God's glory and love, he knows, God knows that you're looking for security and freedom from your worries. He knows that you want to escape all the wrong fixations of the world. He knows your trying to find a way. However, with God comes patience. You need to take the time out of your personal life to connect with God, and to try to be less internal; God wants you to talk to him and come to him about anything you're troubled in or anything you need, or to simply just take time out of your life to talk to him.

Just know that God will put you in a place to revive and get you back on your feet without any worries. Know that you can overcome anything. Anticipate the best when walking with Lord.

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